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Ulaanbaatar stock images for free download. Photos are licensed as Public domain license - No attribution / Free for commercial use. All the photos I took myself just for you, so I guarantee their origin. I hope it will be useful.
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Download my photos from Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. All images are free for download. You can use it anywhere you want without any questions or attribution. In Ulaanbaatar there are a wonderful Buddhist monasteries, large ger districts as well as modern architecture. Check out the images of the most interesting places I have visited during a year spent in Ulaanbaatar.
Ulaanbaatar is a fast growing city full of contrasts. In the center, around Chinggis Square (formally Grand Chinggis Khaan Square, previously known as Sükhbaatar Square) are a modern high-rise buildings. Behind them is Gandantegchinlen Monastery (center of Mongolian Buddhism), a place where time stands still…
If you go further, you will see the main Ulan Bator cemetery where are animal bones and yurts between the graves. It is a really interesting place with a magical atmosphere as you can see in the photos. And if you want to visit even more magical place, try Cingeltei uul, sacred mountain located in the northern part of the city. UB (Ulanbator) is a great place for photographers and I highly recommend visiting. I am sure that you will take the magnificent pictures. Like all the other photos on LibreShot, photos of Ulaanbaatar are also free to download and are licensed under Public domain – CC0.