Street art in Prague - Free Image For Commercial Use

Street art in Prague | Free Stock Photo

Street art in Prague
KW: Walkways, pavement, sidewalk, footpath, path, pathway

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This photo is free for commercial use. No attribution required.
Image license: Public domain license
Please respect the personal rights and trademarks, if there are people and brands on the photo. Published: March 15, 2016

EXIF data: Aperture: ƒ/2.1, Camera: XZ-2, Focal length: 11.3mm, ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/200s,

Photos are free for download even for commercial use with CC0 - Public Domain license & Royalty free.

It is not necessary to indicate the author or source , but if you put on your site a link to libreshot, I will be grateful :-)

You are not allowed to mass download images with an application, or reuse a big part of the Images for redistribution on a similar website without my permission.


What is allowed:

  • Download and use photos anywhere, even commercially
  • Use photos without any questions
  • Use photos without attribution (although I still like it. :))

What is prohibited:

  • Mass download photos and use it in similar website
  • Hotlink the images (you have to upload them to your own server).

About me

My name is Martin Vorel and you can download my photos for free use. I am trying to publish photos from all possible areas. I hope you will like it.Thank you very much for using LibreShot.